niedziela, 31 stycznia 2010

Does it look like a boat?

As most of my readers are Anglo-Americans and friends from Poland doesn't understand technical terms in Polish i will write my blog in English, from now on.

This winter we have harsh weather. Although -27C temperatures are gone, this week I have to dig a tunel to my boatyard:)

On Thursday I started fitting steam-bent thwart knees. Fitting the bevels is easy, but time consuming. Especially that I check them at the boat and cut them in the basement.

Fitted they rest a while, to release last bits of bending tension. Then they are finished round and smooth.

Then fastened to thwarts. Looking at this photo, I realised that the sheer isn't perfect from inside. But maybe it's only a camera's perspective.

From the outside, with the sunlight coming through crevices in the wall it's much better.

and here last picture with the list of almost all things to turn this hull to the boat:

- fitting and fastening of gunwale and outwale
- fitting of two floors (2nd and 12th station)
- making of a mast step and cutting a hole for a mast in the fore thwart.
- making rudder and tiller
- finishing cut-water
- making floorboards
It looks like 2-3 week job, but probably will turn out to be 6+...

4 komentarze:

Agata Grabowska pisze...

She will be a beauty, no question about that!

Gospodarna narzeczona pisze...

O nie! A ja?

Anonimowy pisze...

Estimado Lech. ¿Por qué decidió escribir sólo en Inglés? Su decisión me preocupa enormemente. Su decisión está ansioso por mí para poner fin a la aventura con tu blog. Mi corazón sangra. Favor de considerar la versión en español. Estaré muy agradecido. Para todos sus fieles lectores, Eduardo.

elKomenda pisze...

Dear Eduardo,
If I only knew I had Spanish readers I would try my strength in Spanish;)